Marijuana Movie Night

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Marijuana Movie - The Untouchables

What marijuana enthusiast isn’t a bit emotional at times? I found myself tearing up at a recent re-watching of Braveheart. (I know, don't ask). Even I will admit there should be a personal cap to smoking some evenings.

On the subject of nostalgia, over the holidays, out with friends one evening, talk turned to Chicago where I use to live. Chicago remains a vibrant and diverse city which still has the weird reputation around the world as being only a mob town (before it became known as home of #44). And The Untouchables probably didn't help much, but damn what a film! Costner in his prime, a fresh-faced Andy Garcia, the well worn and cast Sean Connery as the tough Irish cop and De Niro as the best Capone since Paul Muni in Scarface.

Films shot in Chicago use that amazing city as a character itself. The last two (Nolan) Batman movies are perfect examples. The list of fantastic and often overlooked films made in Chicago is substantial. I suggest you do a little research or…fucking it, get your high on and start with the following: ThiefContinental DivideHouse of GamesHenry: Portrait of Serial Killer and Go Fish. Also one of the best video stores in the country happens to be located in Chicago. If you love film of all types, be sure to check out Facets Multimedia. Their selection of art, foreign, independent or just hard to find films is unmatched.