Marijuana Movie Night

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Smoke & Stream - Sleepwalk With Me

I didn't think much about this movie when I first saw it. It is moderately funny, but I since I am not a sleepwalker myself I couldn't connect to the material...until quite recently.

Besides my obvious love of marijuana and the art & craft of the moving picture, I try to keep my personal life off here. Blogs are egocentric by nature so I try to not resort to anecdotes from my life for content. However, I will make this one exception. If you are not interested, please just move on to this.

I had gotten very little sleep one night due to a disagreement, otherwise know as an argument with my wife. The following day, I got up exhausted, but struggled my way through the work day, took a 45 minute nap and then went out that Friday evening. The night ended up with some unscheduled boozing at an art opening and then off to a few bars. Arriving back home around 1 AM, I put on a movie and passed out on my couch.

A few hours later, I found myself standing on the other side of my apartment door in the vestibule and I was naked and locked out. I don't remember getting off the couch or taking my clothes off. I do vaguely recall opening my front door stepping out into the hallway and closing the door in back of me. When it shut, there was a sudden internal "uh-oh" moment as I realized I was locked out, naked. late in the evening. I really don't know how long I was out there before I started to knock softly on the door and finally rang the doorbell. When my wife opened the door, she said I was clenching both my hands into fists and said "you locked me out" to her before going straight to bed.

I re-learned two things from this whole experience. Firstly, I used to sleepwalk when I was younger and it can still happen under the right circumstances. Lastly, try not to do this.