Marijuana Movie Night

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Crying Over You

There are many things in our pasts we'd all prefer to forget. Situations we replay in our minds that we would change or might've handled better. However, those less proud moments made us what we are today, good, bad or otherwise. Somewhere in there is the seed to this insane film.

Maybe some of us out there had a friend like Donald. I did not. This makes me think I might have been Donald to some people I loved who didn't love me back. He is the bug flying into our ear, the suntan lotion stinging our eyes, the rock in our shoe. It's the nuisance we tolerate because we know it's going to stop. But what if it doesn't? What if it keeps coming back. The past can come back in so many different forms. And it can be a living, breathing thing looking to shatter your day and mess with your future.

What is Donald Cried? Comedy, horror or perhaps a not so perfect piece of art? Whatever it is, this wedged itself deep in my psyche for days after watching it. Maybe I am getting too baked on my own MMNights, but it hit a nerve. Watch this and see what it does.