Will the real 3-D please stand up?
OK, I haven't seen Avatar yet. And there is not a very good chance I will be seeing Alice in Wonderland, Clash of the Titans and any of the other big boom, action packed movies which are now being reformatted to 3-D in order to get that many more asses in seats. This crackerjack mentality, so specialized in Hollywood, floats for the same dumb reason people who couldn't afford houses got $600K loans. So bring on the super-sized explosions, killer robots or just dump the entire plot, actors, sets locations and all into the great CGI movie making machine they must have on site at the major studios. It all makes me long for the low-fi technology and good times of Jaws 3-D.
The player who is strangely absent from this table is the pornography industry. They have always been on the forefront of technology. Pornography along with gambling pioneered and helped build the internet, but has passed on this. Perhaps they wait in the wings on the dawning of the 3-D HDTV as the porn theaters are pretty much all gone, wiped out by the emergence of video three decades ago.