Chop 'Til You Drop
Do I believe there will be a robopocalypse? I'm not sure, but I do believe war might start to resemble a very expensive game of Risk. As you read this and consider your options for what to smoke or watch or eat, there are autonomous weapons all ready to be put into production (if not already produced and sitting in a secret military warehouse). Don't take my word for it. Go seek out Robert H. Latiff and read or listen to his book Army of None.
We've been talking about the rise of the machines since Arnold Schwarzenegger let us know he was going to be coming back. Far less buff than the Terminator, these mall robots had a similar job, but lacked the opportunity for sexy, time travel being from 1986 and not the future. Don't judge them for protecting the capitalist temple of the mall. That just what they do. That's all they do.